Salisbury Rotary Club welcomed District 7890’s Governor-Nominee and Area 8 AG, Mark Brady, and elected Club officers for the 2018-19 Rotary year at its 6/26 luncheon meeting.  Club officers elected were:  Pat Galloway, President; Randy Chapell, VP; Michele Kearns, Secretary; Susan Dickinson, Treasurer.  Elected President of the SRC Foundation was John Hedbavny; Denise Cohn was elected as a Foundation Director.  The installation ceremony will be held at the July 10th meeting.  Mark Brady recognized with appreciation the job well done by Fran Chapell during her year as Club President and he spoke about Rotary at the local, District & international levels.  Club member Ann Beizer reported that she represented the Club at the Housatonic Valley Regional High School’s Awards Ceremony and presented $11,000 in scholarships to eleven graduating Seniors, and one more for the Club’s Back to School vocational scholarships.