Current Club Activities and Events

Lisa McAuliffe, Recreation Director for the Town of Salisbury spoke about the different programs and events in our community.  Everyone is welcome.

Available Programs:
Adult Lap Swim – Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays
Jano’s Senior Exercise Classes – Tuesdays & Thursdays
New Wave (Regional Swim Team)
Paddle Tennis 2024-2025
Public Skating – The Hotchkiss School & Salisbury School
Walking Club at Hotchkiss
Youth Baseball & Softball Programs (Spring 2025)
Youth Basketball (Regional Rec K-6th, Housy Hoops 5th-8th & Hotchkiss Clinic, Ages 7-13)
For more information, please visit the Town of Salisbury's website:

Lisa McAuliffe, Recreation Director
Phone: 860-435-5186

Lisa Ferriss the new executive director spoke about what's happening with the United Way of Northwest.  Here is a blurb from their website: 

The United Way of Northwest Connecticut was significantly impacted by the pandemic. It hindered our ability to meet with donors face-to-face, effectively share our story, and conduct our campaigns in the traditional manner.

As we emerged from the pandemic, we recognized the need to restructure how we fulfill our mission. In response, the board reassessed our operations and has taken several key steps:

Hired a new Executive Director
Elected a new Board Chair with 35 years of nonprofit experience
Recruited five new board members
Updated our bylaws and completed the 2022-2023 financial audit
Collaborated with other United Way organizations in the region to explore best practices and operational efficiencies, and reestablished communication with United Way of Connecticut
Developed a relaunch plan to engage agencies, corporate sponsors, leadership donors, and key stakeholders
Revamped the corporate partner sponsorship program
Welcomed the formation of an advisory council

United Way of Northwest Connecticut is dedicated to supporting our partner agencies and programs that make a meaningful impact in our communities, such as the VITA Tax program, Stock the Shelves, Warm the Children, Day of Caring, and advocacy for ALICE families.

We proudly serve 21 towns in Northwest Connecticut.

 For more information please visit the website. United Way of Northwest Connecticut | (
Our club packed many backpacks full of school supplies for all of region 1, for our annual grant project.
We had another successful evening giving out scholarship and community gift checks, Tuesday July 16, 2024.  
This year's recipients for the community gifts were:  The Jane Lloyd Fund, Extras Program Salisbury,  The Lakeville Journal, 21 Century Fund and Dial A Ride.
Scholarship checks were issued to:  Grace Rive, Ann Moran, Danielle Hill and Lindsay Faveau. Congratulations to all!
During our annual installation dinner our current President Bill Spalding swearing in the new incoming President Paul Ramunni and Richard Tennyson as a new board of director.  Great dinner with family and friends to share this evening with us.
Due to severe weather in Saturday's forecast, we have decided to postpone the July 6th fireworks at Lime Rock Park until Sunday July 7th. Gates will still open at 6:00PM.
This year for the "Rotary Day of Service", on May 18th, 2024, we helped the "Canaan Child Care Center" with the outdoor playground, with much needed work.
Our Lunch Meeting speakers were from the Baseball team at the Salisbury Boys School, along with their coach.
Below are pictures of the event, all went very well.  Attendance was a bit low this year, but everyone had a great time, and many went home with some great auction items.  Thank to everyone that attended and supported this great cause and helped make this another great evening!!
Peter Fitting our very own Rotarian, wrote another book, name "Story Mine", a book of short stories.
Assured Partners Northeast LLC
Churchill Building Company, LLC
LaMountain & Riccardelli Accounting 
Litchfield Bancorp a Division of Northwest Community Bank
Metz Family Enterprises
Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area
Dave's Tire & Auto Repair
Drury and Patz
NEO Restaurant & Bar
Peter Smith
Mona Staaf-Gunther
Wilson Construction
Stacie Weiner
Ed's Auto Parts, Inc.
Harriet Weiss
“Scavenger Hunts by Let’s Roam”
Our guest speaker, David Barger, Falls Village first selectman, worked at Quinnipiac University for 15 years as the chief of public safety. Before that, he served in the Connecticut State Police for 24 years, retiring as a master sergeant1. Interestingly, May weekend, which was once a recognized event at Quinnipiac University, eventually lost its true meaning to students and was discontinued in 2007. David Barger, who was the former Chief of Public Safety, mentioned that the event didn’t hold the same significance for students anymore, and it had become more about what happened after dark rather than its original purpose.
Great evening meeting at the New England Accordion Connection & Museum Company.  Owner and Rotarian Paul Ramunni gave us a tour of his museum and played us a few tunes. After the meeting we walked next door at the Great Falls Brewery and enjoyed some beers, homemade root beer and pizza.
Another great evening social at NEO Restaurant in Salisbury.  President, Bill Spalding reminding the Rotarians of upcoming events. All had a good time with friends and conversations.
The Salisbury Rotary Club kicked off the new year with a Business Meeting, conducted by Club President Bill Spalding, discussing the upcoming year, to be highlighted by celebrating and recognizing the club’s 75th Anniversary!  A major goal this year is to see more involvement of current members in club activities and a growth in new members. In addition to regular annual events, a Gala Evening in the Fall '24 to celebrate the 75th Anniversary is being discussed.  The meeting closed with everyone reciting Rotary’s 4 Way Test.
Don Mayland was the Salisbury Rotary Club’s speaker at its 12/19 luncheon meeting, chaired by President Elect Paul Ramunni. Mayland spoke about Salisbury’s need for affordable housing and did so in the context of how the town and the times have changed since he moved here from Long Island and bought his first house here in the 1970s.  Noting the town’s culture as a major reason of why people love living here, he stressed the importance of doing affordable housing “right” in Salusbury so as to not lose what makes living here so special. FMI:
President-Elect Paul Ramunni welcomed members and guests to the Salisbury Rotary Club’s Holiday Dinner at Noble Horizons, on 12-12-23.  Guests were introduced and everyone enjoyed a wonderful dinner.
The December 5th luncheon meeting of the Salisbury Rotary Club was a Business Meeting that served as the Club’s Annual Meeting, chaired by Club President Bill Spalding. Elections were held for the coming year with unanimous results being Bill Pond, President Nominee, Fran Chapell, Secretary, Richard Tennyson & Rudiger Stoer as members of the Board of Directors. Their terms begin July 1, 2024.
     The Club earned more than $1100 selling tickets for its LOTTERY TREE and the winning ticket was drawn at the luncheon: Lindsay Burr from North Canaan! Congratulations to Lindsay and thank you to all who bought tickets to support the Club’s fundraiser. Also noted was that the SRC & Canaan Child Care Center’s jointly sponsored tree donated to Noble Horizon’s annual Festival of Trees raised more money than any other tree displayed!
     The Club will recognize and celebrate its 75th Anniversary in 2024!  Stay tuned for a variety of related announcements and activities.
     Next Tuesday, Club members and their guests will gather for the annual Holiday Dinner, 6-8PM in the Learning Center at Noble Horizons.
Salisbury Rotary Club member and Salisbury School baseball coach Duane Estes was the club’s luncheon speaker at its 11/28 meeting at Noble Horizons.  Who knew that there are more pitchers represented among the Baseball Hall of Fame’s inductees than any other position and that left fielders are a distant second?!  Coach Estes knew that, and so much more!! His interesting and fun talk focused on pitchers and included the training drills used with them and the techniques involved in throwing a fast ball, a curve ball and a change-up pitch. VP Paul Ramunni chaired the meeting.
Members of the Salisbury Rotary Club enjoyed its annual Food Auction fundraiser for the club, raising $565 from food & wine donated. President Bill Spalding served as auctioneer, assisted by member Michele Kearns Wilson.  Members also brought bags of non-perishable food items to donate to local area food banks! FMI:
The 11/14 Salisbury Rotary Club luncheon was a Business Meeting conducted by Club President Bill Spalding. Following Secretary’s & Treasurer’s reports, those present were reminded next week’s meeting would be at 5:30PM in Noble’s Learning Center room and the Club’s annual Food Auction fundraiser for the club and also the meeting to bring non-perishable food items for the club to donate to area food banks.  The following week, 12/5, will be the Annual Meeting that will include election of Club officers for 2023-24.  Members present also were told that discussions were continuing on the decision whether or not to sponsor fireworks next July and that the Club will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2024!  FMI:
The Salisbury Rotary Club members attending the 11/07 luncheon meeting heard District Governor Christine Burns speak on Rotary International President Gordon McInally’s theme for the 2023-24 year, “Create Hope in the World.”  She encouraged each member to do this by asking simply and sincerely “How are you really doing?” of those we encounter, noting many will respond honestly if someone is really listening.  She also talked about Rotary Fellowships, international groups that share a common passion, as a way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or passion and enhance one’s Rotary experience.  SRC President Bill Spalding is shown below (L to R) with DG Burns, DG Elect Vin Marinaro, and Justin Golden, Assistant DG for Area 8.  FMI:
In lieu of a speaker, Past Club President Jerry Baldwin (L) led the members attending the 10/31 luncheon meeting in a fun game of trivia, covering a wide range of topics including human anatomy, American history and geography. Current President Bill Spalding (R) led the meeting and shared a number of announcements re: upcoming events.
Living half of the year in Falls Village and half in Tulum, Mexico, Aline Libassi has just concluded her term as President of the Tulum Rotary Club and was the Salisbury Rotary Club’s 10/24 speaker. ThevTulum Rotary currently has twenty members as the area is growing from its history as a tiny fishing village, though still a high poverty area with poor education, poor health care, no government support and with high needs in all areas related to living standards.  The challenges are great for the club to raise money to benefit the communities though growth due to the influx of a wealthy ex-patriot population and partnering with other Rotary clubs are helping.  The SRC is among the Rotary clubs with a personal connection to the Tulum club. Salisbury has helped with funding water fountains and computers for the schools.  Grants have funded additional computers, scholarships, environmental projects and a diabetes clinic. Aline used a power point presentation to share her club’s locale and some of the projects witj which they are involved. FMI:
Members & guests of the Salisbury Rotary Club gathered 10/17 for a social evening and dinner at NEO’s Restaurant in Salisbury CT.  Club President Bill Spalding welcomed the group and made a few comments about Rotary & the get-together. FMI:
The Salisbury Rotary Club held its monthly Business Meeting at its 10/10 luncheon meeting. Chaired by President Bill Spalding, the agenda included announcements & discussion on the following:  1. The Club will participate at Canaan’s October 14 Fall Festival 2. The Club will be the highlighted non-profit org at Great Falls Brewery’s Trivia Night on Sunday 10/15. 3. Growing the Club’s membership is a priority. 4. The Board is discussing if it could be possible to again sponsor July 4th Fireworks next year. 5. SRC will hold a social evening dinner meeting next Tuesday, 10/17, at NEO’s restaurant in Salisbury. FMI:
Officers & Directors
President Club
President Elect
Immediate Past President Club
President Nominee
Treasurer Club
Secretary Club
Director, Club
Director, Club
Director, Club
Assistant Treasurer
President, Club Foundation
Treasurer, Club Foundation
Secretary, Club Foundation
Director, Club Foundation
Director, Club Foundation
Director, Club Foundation
Rotary Foundation, Chair
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Stephanie A. Urchick
Rotary International
Our Community
The Salisbury Rotary Club serves the towns of Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village, Salisbury and Sharon
Upcoming Events